Ever wondered why so many top brands have customer magazines?
The print medium has been around for centuries, ever since the invention of the first printing press during the 13th century. Fast forward to more recent decades, and what we’ve found is that print is often a forgotten marketing channel.
Print marketing is not created equally
Print marketing has also had its fair share of, well, bad press.
Think of all that unsolicited mail that comes through the door. Direct mail or DMs as they are known in the business, are often mass mailed and untargeted, and highly sale-sy.
While some people can’t resist an offer, if you want to build trust and loyalty, you want to provide something with value.
56% of respondents to a 2013 study by the UK Direct said that they found print marketing to be the ‘most trustworthy’ of media channels.
Print marketing is the ideal place to provide inspiration, and gentle sales. It can be picked up by your target customer at a time that suits them, and enjoyed with a leisurely brew in hand.
Print isn’t a fast medium, so it invites your customer to dream. It’s great for more aspirational and lifestyle industries, such as travel and hospitality, food, health and beauty.
Customer magazines deliver – literally!
When done well, print marketing can deliver a great ROI. When the Data & Marketing Association studied direct mail, they learned that 92% of it is opened and boasts a 4.4% response rate, compared to email campaigns that usually have a 0.12% response rate.
In fact, print even converts to online sales funnels – one study suggested that 44% of people visit a company’s website after receiving direct mail from that company.
While you have to consider printing and distribution costs, print can do really well because it feels more personal.
When everyone else is focusing on digital content, why don’t you take a moment to market the old-school way?

There’s magic to be found in the tangibility of paper and ink. Customers get excited about the sound of something awesome landing on their doormats.
Try out our contract publishing solutions. From B2C magazines to inspired brochures and direct mailing solutions, we have you covered at every step.