Slow Life
. 20/03/24
Six Artists Who Communicate About Nature and Social Justice

Meet these inspiring global artists who are connecting people to the issues that matter.

Can art bring us closer to nature? There are many ways to share stories about climate change, social justice, and human fragility, but using a visual medium such as sculpture work can be particularly powerful.

Discover a few of our favourite artists.

Jason decaires taylor

British-born Jason deCaires Taylor offers the world underwater sculptures that provide a habitat for coral and marine life while highlighting key issues, such as Inheritance, a submerged statue that features a child sitting in front of a pile of plastic waste, which criticises excessive consumption.

Tan zi xi

Best known with the moniker MessyMsxi, Singapore-based Tan Zi Xi created an epic installation called Plastic Ocean, in which she hung 500kg worth of plastic waste taken from the ocean. This was to help us visualise what ocean pollution could look like if plastic production continues at the same rate.

Andy goldsworthy

Best known with the moniker MessyMsxi, Singapore-based Tan Zi Xi created an epic installation called Plastic Ocean, in which she hung 500kg worth of plastic waste taken from the ocean. This was to help us visualise what ocean pollution could look like if plastic production continues at the same rate.

Dr alexandra daisy ginsberg

UK-based Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg invites us to experience hybrid environments where technology dialogues with nature to imagine new realities – including reimagining fragrances from extinct flowers.

Nagato iwasaki

Japanese artist Nagato Iwasaki creates fascinating works of art by shaping the human form out of driftwood,which are placed in the forest and other natural environments. The purpose is to convey a sense of harmony that bridges the gap between human emotions and the natural world.

Lorenzo quinn

Italian artist Lorenzo Quinn took the art world by storm during the 2017 Venice Biennale, when he showcased his installation, Support. Two giant hands emerged from the Grand Canal to seemingly support a historical building. This was to highlight the fragility of human structures in the face of rising sea levels.

Know any other great climate-focused artists? Let us know.

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